Sunday, June 19, 2011

With Wings all is Possible

I haven't felt much like art with the end of the school year and all that entails, and all the crap that's going on with my offspring.  However, I did drag my bootie down the stairs to the studio and tried to get going.  This is what came out:


Joanne Huffman said...

Glad you got some time for art. I hope things are getting better; or, at the very least, not as bad. I'm sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

Lee Weber said...

Great work, Love it!

martha brown said...

I am so behind with my blog reading. I still have 3 more days of school . This weekend I am making slideshows on cd for my classes (2 classes) OMG -- what an ordeal. AND I have had mr Bs 19 year old son living with us for a year (to finish HIGH SCHOOL -- and he totally screwed up and is, yet again, unable to graduate)and I'm ready to strangle his scrawny neck. Luckily, he's moving to the other side of the country tomorrow. Sigh..... Hope all is getting better with you. (my mean principal took me out of k for next year, I'm brokenhearted)